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2024年整体运势小有波澜,事情容易发生的突如其来,是个磨练考验的一年。事业发展因行业而异,从事保健、教育或科技等行业,可独领风骚。大胆的走出舒适圈,你将能展现自我,取得不错的成绩。 财星亮眼,但受家运影响,会花费较多在家人身上,以致财库无法聚财。 感情方面是需要注重沟通和理解的一年,各退一步感情方可长久平稳,谨记家和万事兴。 健康运势低迷,容易有不易察觉的隐疾,务必适当舒缓紧张的精神压力,才是维持身体健康的上策。

Brace yourselves for a gallop into 2024 that may be a little bumpy. You can expect to see industry-specific career advancement and wealth accumulation. But keep in mind that not everything that glitters are gold. This year, additional expenses are expected from your family commitments. Mutual understanding and communication will be the keys to a steady trot in relationships. Pay attention to your body and look out for signs that may uncover hidden health issues. Remember that nothing is more important than having good health.




In 2024, your professional racetrack will reach a tipping point. Those working in public sector, education, healthcare, and energy technology will see opportunities to take the reins and lead. Remember that not every gallop is a sprint; pace yourself to avoid health problems. It is not a great year for business owners to retire. Hiring dependable aides can assist you in keeping a tight grip on your operations while improving your work-life balance.




With the wealth star shining on you, opportunities to expand your wealth reserves are on the horizon. However, keep in mind that unchecked spending can result in an empty barn. Money spent on family needs, particularly elder care, could account for a sizable portion of your net worth. Ensure that all your family members and you have a comprehensive health insurance. This year, invest conservatively and consider setting up a rainy-day fund.




Get ready for a steeplechase, with each hurdle and jump adding to your exhilarating love journey. For single Horses, handle differing opinions with more care and understanding. Mutual understanding can lead to a more fulfilling relationship. For those in a relationship, the occasional family matters might feel like a bumpy trot. Talking it out, spending time together and placing family photos in the Southwest of your living room can help.




Pay attention to the gentle rustlings beneath your energetic strides; there may be some health symptoms that can offer valuable insights. Regular health check-ups are more than a routine; they are essential to keeping your agility. Pay special attention to possible signs of allergies or inflammation. Gentlemen should take note of issues with their gout, teeth, and respiratory system. In sum, keep your spirits high and your stress low to improve your overall health.


CAREER: Seize the opportunity to transform your career; pace yourself and maintain a balanced gallop.

WEALTH: Wealth is in sight, but spendings on family matters is unavoidable.

RELATIONSHIPS: Keep your heart open to communication and understanding; cherish shared experiences.

HEALTH: Listen to your body’s whispers; don’t overlook regular health check-ups and self-care.


Lucky Number: 7227

Lucky Colours:  Black & White, Red & Black, Blue & Red, Green & Orange


Auspicious Directions: East, South, Northeast


Auspicious Crystals: Pink Opal, Sunstone, Blue Sandstone, Smoky Quartz


Overall Zodiac Ranking – 7th

Career: 2.5 Stars

Wealth: 4 Stars

Family: 3 Stars

Romance: 1.5 Stars

Health: 3.5 Stars

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