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今年三星报喜,富贵临门,属蛇的朋友得到太阳吉星的照耀,今年发财有望、事业有成、健康无忧。事业获得贵人助力,大放异彩,享受功成名就的成果,财运更是鸿运当头。已婚者必须在工作和家庭中取得平衡,多花时间和精力来陪伴家人,建议合家一同出游,增进家庭和谐; 未婚者感情容易节外生枝,应多沟通,彼此珍惜得来不易之感情,才能有望走向婚姻殿堂。健康运势大吉,人逢喜事精神爽,今年充满活力,保持规律运动,有助于身心健康。

Guided by the brilliant blessings of auspicious stars, Snakes will glide effortlessly in 2024. Your abilities and hard work will be recognised, contributing significantly to a more prosperous nest. This year, ensure that work and family life coexist harmoniously; consider a family vacation to strengthen bonds. For those dating, be wary of potential pitfalls and show your partner that your charm is reserved only for them. Overall, your health shines throughout the year.




2024 is your turn to shine at work! This year, you may encounter opportunities that will see you shedding your old skin and embracing new experiences. Whether you’re entwined in the corporate jungle or have laid your own path as an entrepreneur, your unique charm and wisdom will be essential for problem-solving. Coil your energy and spring forth into the opportunities at hand, your projects and career will sail smoothly.



恭喜!财运逢吉星照耀,正财偏财双旺,是人生最值得期待的一年。 属蛇的朋友,今年得天时地利人和的良好机遇,只要相信自己有能力成就四海,加强自己的决心和执行力,无论从事何种行业,都能轻松获得赚钱机会 。投资理财方面,得到贵人指点,不妨运用部分资金来投资保值,将会得到丰厚的回报。若有购屋计划,记得选择适合自己八字的座向和吉方位,并通过风水布局,纳气生财,助旺事业和财运。

Congratulations! The wealth star is shining on you, and you can expect both financial gains in all industries. Timely opportunities and the right connections will open new avenues for money success. Utilise your focus, commitment, and action to maximize your earnings. Those planning to invest in real estate should consider the auspicious directions compatible with their Ba Zi. Tap on the benefits of Feng Shui to fuel your wealth growth!




This year, navigating the waters of romance may require extra effort. Married Snakes may discover that their hectic schedules and limited communication will lead to many misunderstandings. A minor kitchen renovation can realign the energy at home. For singles, focus on work instead of pinning your hopes on love. Additionally, be mindful of the signals you send to their colleagues of the opposite gender. For those dating, work on strengthening your relationship with your partner.



喜迎健康平安的一年,只要保持良好的情绪,身体机能正常运行,小病小痛可逢凶化吉。 今年宜养成晨跑的习惯,让自己沐浴在早晨阳光下,开启活力的一天,不仅增强体能、调节情绪,还能提供身体所需的维生素D,有益于身心健康的提升。虽然健康无虑,但也不容忽视小煞星的干扰,应多留意家中女性的情绪起伏,不妨在假期时与家人到郊外游玩,接触大自然,放松心情,增进家庭和谐,也能排解情绪的负能量。

Your health sector sees a smooth and energised year ahead. Take this opportunity to embrace the early bird lifestyle. Be mindful, however, of a minor inauspicious star that may dim your wellness outlook, particularly related to mood swings from the women in your den. Seek solace in nature or organize a family staycation, to shed any negative energy. Doing so can foster family harmony while ensuring your health remains robust and resilient.


CAREER: Seize the year of professional recognition, remain resilient yet adaptable; let your natural charm shine through in everything you do.

WEALTH: Opportunities to prosper await in your wealth sector; remember to strike a balance between growth and security, especially when it comes to investments.

RELATIONSHIPS: Navigate relationship difficulties with patience and understanding; invest in meaningful moments to strengthen the bond.

HEALTH: Enjoy a year of good health, soak up the morning sun, and recharge your batteries with relaxing trips to nature.


Lucky Number: 1268

Lucky Colours:  Gold, Silver, White, Blue, Pink


Auspicious Directions: Northeast, Southeast, South


Auspicious Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Gold Rutilated Quartz, Kunzite, Clear Quartz


Overall Zodiac Ranking – 1st

Career: 5 Stars

Wealth: 5 Stars

Family: 1 Star

Romance: 2.5 Stars

Health: 4.5 Stars



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