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Pigs, prepare to hog the spotlight with noble assistance in both your career and wealth aspects. The opposite gender is your wealth noblemen but beware of mixing money with relationships to prevent ruining your reputation and losing money. In love, it’s time to sow some extra care into your relationships. For singles, while many charming boars may enter your pen, finding the right one may take time. Don’t turn your snout up at health issues; seek medical attention promptly to avoid turning a piglet problem into a troublesome issue.




An unbeatable career forecast awaits you in 2024, your career pen appears to be lush. Profit from an expanding network of influential people who will gladly assist you in identifying opportunities. You will find support from Ox, Dragon, and Snake noblemen. Look forward to smooth sailing endeavours, promotion or even salary raise. This year don’t be sceptical; embrace bold innovation and change – it could be your ticket to future success.



有财神爷特别眷顾,财运亨通,富贵可期。 不仅经商者生意兴隆,打工者在职场上身价也会高涨,投资方面有高人指引,明智的决策将带来丰厚回报。但需注意不利于偏财和投机运,小赌可怡情,大赌则易破财。手头宽裕时,应储蓄以备不时之需,不可因虚荣心或过度慷慨而挥霍,以免财库空虚。建议做好全年的财务规划,佩戴白玛瑙或爆花白水晶手链可以帮助你增长智慧,做出正确判断。

In 2024, the God of Wealth is knocking on your door, bringing in prosperity and abundance. It’s time to gorge yourself on financial success, whether you’re a business owner or an employee. Smart investments can yield substantial returns but avoid gambling as it can lead to a potential loss of wealth. Wearing a bracelet with white agate or crackle quartz crystal can enhance your mental power to curb spendings, make smarter decisions and enable you to excel in all that you do.




2024 is the year of plentiful love opportunities, though not all will be worthy of your time. Instead of just waiting for your soulmate, focus on improving yourself. Those in relationships should prepare to invest extra time and energy on your other half. While gaining assistance from the opposite gender, remember not to let your snout stray too far into their trough to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Overall, enjoy a blissful time with your family.



整体运势虽佳,但健康却亮红灯。事业春风得意的你有太多应酬 ,暴饮暴食,不注重健康,今年体质偏弱,容易加重对肝脏及肠胃的负担,尤其是有三高的高危险群体,更要注意中风、心肌梗塞等危及生命的急重症。在冲刺事业的同时,别忽略健康的保养,除了注重规律饮食及良好生活作息,如出现不适症状,切勿轻视,应及时就医。

Too much hogging out due to social obligations may result in health problems. This year, even the fittest boar should be wary of health issues such as burdens on your liver and digestive system. Especially for those with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high sugar levels, pay more attention to your diet. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be your priority. Do not ignore squeals of pain; instead, seek immediate medical attention.


CAREER: A stellar year ahead. Harness networking opportunities; don’t be pig-headed about innovation and adaptation.

WEALTH: Feast on the abundance but avoid going whole hog on gambling and extravagance.

RELATIONSHIPS: Maintain a respectful snout-length distance; invest time and effort in nurturing your relationships.

HEALTH: Don’t be stubborn about health; heed signs of discomfort and seek medical attention promptly.


Lucky Number: 8199

Lucky Colours: Yellow, Orange, Purple, White


Auspicious Directions: North, Southeast, Northwest


Auspicious Crystals: Gold Rutilated Quartz, Blue Sandstone, White Agate, Pink Opal


Overall Zodiac Ranking – 3rd

Career: 4 Stars

Wealth: 4.5 Stars

Family: 4 Star

Romance: 2.5 Stars

Health: 1.5 Star

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