牛 (OX)
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
For the stalwart Ox, 2024 is a challenging one with Tai Sui frowning in the distance. Career and business progress is bleak, therefore, avoid making risky investments and think twice before job-hopping. Sweet romance beckons and romantic possibilities shine brightly for singles. Married individuals however will need to take active steps to maintain the harmony at home. Health wise, anxiety and mood disorders might slow you down.
With a dim outlook, the Ox may feel a little lost in their professional development. Employees should refrain from making big changes unless a fantastic opportunity for advancement or a job change presents itself. For business owners, the year could nudge you towards hasty decisions, so it is essential to consult with experts before acting. The idea of expanding into side businesses may appear appealing but do consider your resources as it may not be financially viable.
财运不甚理想,今年必须开源节流以守住钱财。面临破太岁的影响,收支难以平衡,要做好财务规划,精打细算,善加利用每一分钱,才不会钱到用时方恨少。建议在2024年保持原有的投资即可,不宜做太大的改变,以避免资金陷入困境,甚至卷入官司纠纷而破财。 可考虑佩戴黑发晶水晶,同时报读进修课程提升自己的专业领域,为未来做准备。
The year presents a tough climb up the wealth mountain, you ought to handle your finances with care, and plan your investments thoroughly. The 3rd, 4th, and 7th lunar months are suitable for safer investments. Overambitious decisions may result in losses and even a possible lawsuit; therefore, keep a steady hoof on the ground. Black Rutilated Quartz crystal is your lucky charm; consider upgrading your skillset and improving your financial literacy in 2024.
Romance is blooming for Singles! So, start looking for that special someone who can make your heart pound. It is also a good year to tie the knot. Married individuals may face a testing time for your relationship as temptations to stray are present. The joy of new beginnings, such as the birth of a child, can help to turn the situation around. It is recommended to spend more time with your children to boost family unity.
The health compass might sway slightly this year. Be aware of potential health issues such as insomnia, indigestion, and high blood sugar especially during the 4th, 8th, and 11th lunar months. Prioritise your mental well-being as emotional turbulence and mood swings plague you; if necessary, seek professional assistance. A vacation could be the solution to restore vitality, improve your mood and alleviate stress.
CAREER: Keep a low profile and work hard; your determination will help you achieve your goals. WEALTH: Keep an eye on your investments; your hard-earned pasture should be handled with care. RELATIONSHIPS: Romance blossoms for singles, while married ones should fortify their fences. HEALTH: Maintain mental sharpness and learn to manage stress for a more fulfilling and healthy year. |
Lucky Number: 9339
Lucky Colours: White, Yellow, Light Blue, Lilac, Silver
Auspicious Directions: Southeast, South, Southwest
Auspicious Crystals: Aquamarine, White Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Black Rutilated Quartz
Overall Zodiac Ranking – 11th
Career: 2 Stars
Wealth: 1 Star
Family: 2.5 Stars
Romance: 4 Stars
Health: 2 Stars