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1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010




整体运势大起大落,面临挑战的一年。事业运受禄马星照耀,有利于外地发展,尤其对于以口为财、科技和咨询服务的行业颇为有利。财运不稳,容易入不敷出,陷入财困,需要谨慎理财。未婚者异性缘旺,留意观察定可找到合适伴侣。 已婚者应互相包容与沟通,凡事多协商,珍惜彼此缘份。健康仍是一大隐忧,容易意外受伤,要特别注意交通安全。今年运势较暗淡,不妨穿着更亮丽,行善积德,坚忍面对困难,方能雨过天晴。

The jungle of fortunes is a little wild; 2024 is turbulent year for your career and wealth. While it is hard to build wealth, take advantage of the Lu Ma moving star as it shines and brightens up the career path for those in the IT, consulting, or fields requiring the gift of speech. Single Tigers will find love and couples need to remember that two tigers can share a mountain with proper communication. This is the time to adorn yourself in bright colours, perform acts of kindness, and maintain a roaring spirit.



事业好坏参半,2024年逢禄马星,是忙禄奔波的一年。打工一族在年初会遇到瓶颈和阻碍,要与上司保持良好关系,身边出现属蛇、羊和牛的女性长辈就是你的幸运星。有机会外派或出差工干,虽然劳心劳力,但后期的事业发展潜力会相对上升,获得加薪机会。 创业者若想转型,今年把握机会,精心谋划开拓国际市场,寻得机会和贵人协助推动事业发展。

2024 is an average year for your career. Those employed will see obstacles at work and should keep your relationship with your boss purr-fect. The Lu Ma moving star indicates a busy year that will require a lot of travel and endurance. Lookout for females of the Snake, Goat, and Ox zodiac signs as your jungle allies. For business owners, consider this year as an opportunity to claw your way into international markets.




Take caution as you may face unexpected cash flow issues in 2024. Financial gains will come when you are out and about. This year, seek help from financial experts to assist you in money matters. When it comes to business opportunities overseas, remember that a tireless tiger hunts best. Overseas assignments will work out with enormous gains for you.




The romantic plains may begin rough, but they will smooth out as the year progresses. Tigers in a stable relationship can consider taking the leap and even growing your pack. The jungle is alive with potential mates for singles; so, turn up your charm. Remember, a little financial rain does not have to mean the end of your relationship. For married individuals, the support from your loved ones can help turn the crisis around.




With inauspicious stars lurking, there will be issues with both health and safety for Tigers in 2024. Young Tigers (born in 1986 and 1998) should use your vivacious energy wisely and avoid dangerous high-risk activities. Overall, be careful while on the road, avoid attending funerals and be careful with what you eat. Respect and honour your parents and you might find yourself basking in the extra shield of protection provided by them.


CAREER: Prowl through the jungle of opportunities; welcome innovation and adaptation with open paws.

WEALTH: Money will come and go easily, and you can attain business gains when you travel.

RELATIONSHIPS: Keep your growls low and purrs high; invest your heart and energy in nurturing your bonds.

HEALTH: Health is a bit of a worry with you being accident-prone. Keep safe and stay vigilant when you travel.


Lucky Number: 2368

Lucky Colours: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green


Auspicious Directions: West, North


Auspicious Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Citrine, Aquamarine


Overall Zodiac Ranking – 9th

Career: 2.5 Stars

Wealth: 2 Stars

Family: 2.5 Stars

Romance: 4.5 Stars

Health: 1.5 Stars

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